Usaha dan Faktor Yang Dapat Meningkatkan Minat Berwiraswasta Dalam Rangka Studi Pendidikan Wiraswasta Pada Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Atas Sulawesi Selatan: Kasus Ujung Pandang

Rinal A. Malem, K. Ginting, M. Junus, Sapan Patabang, Sapto Haryoko


It is claimed that some variables, such as parents' encouragement, apprenticeship, work motivation, entrepreneurial information, and entrepreneurial knowledge enhance the student' interest in entrepreneurship, the first variable, espesially, plays a very strategic role in increasing the interest of the students. The samples comprises 601 students of general and vocational secondary school, 93 parents, and 22 entrepreneurs in Ujung Pandang. The sampling technique employed is proportional random sampling and purposive sampling.

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