Penciptaan Iklim Pembelajaran Sejarah yang Menyenangkan Melalui Snowball Drilling Method

Agus Suprijono, Sugeng Harianto, Ngunsiati Ngunsiati, Sri Lestari, Restu Kemala


The present classroom action research (CAR) was carried out to improve students' motivation in the course unit of history using "snowballing drill" technique. The CAR was implemented at Grade VII D, SMP Negeri IX, Surabaya. The class, composed of 40 students, was assigned into two groups each of which alternately received the snowballing drill (group 1 in the first teaching period of 40 minutes, and group 2 in the second). The results show that the students made less mistakes, from 50% to 15.79% (group 1) and from 42.86% to 15% (group 2). Concurrently, the results show that the students made more accurate answers, from 60% to 95% (group 1) and from 70% to 100% (group 2). There was also some increase in terms of the students' confidence and satisfaction, from 50% to 78.95% (group 1) and from 57.14% to 90% (group 2). The majority of the students (95%) affirmed that they enjoyed learning history using snowballing drill technique. In terms of the students' mastery of the learning materials, the improvement can be found in the increase of the percentage, from 92.31% to 97.5%. In summary, snowballing drill helps improve history teaching-learning processes

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