Yuliyati -


Abstract: Reading-Writing Culture Model Based on Balance Literacy Approach and Information Literacy Movement in Elementary School. This study was designed to construct a reading and writing culture model based on balance literacy approach and information literacy movement. This research-and-development study comprised two stages. In Stage 1, surveys, review of literature, and the development of the draft were conducted. Stage 2 focused on trying out a limited revision of the key products, applying product revision, and revising the final product. The product was validated experimentally using a two-group pretest-posttest random design, involving 127 students in the experimental group and 130 in the control. The data collected through a test, observations, and interviews were statistically analyzed. The results show that the model is effective to develop the students’ ability in reading and writing and  that reading-writing habits can be developed if all members of the school intentionally develop the students’ literacy habits through working hard and applying the model together.

Keywords: reading and writing culture, balance literacy, literacy information movement, elementary school

Abstrak: Model Budaya Baca-Tulis Berbasis Balance Literacy dan Gerakan Informasi di Sekolah Dasar. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan mengonstruksi model budaya baca-tulis berbasis balance literacy dan gerakan informasi. Pengembangan dilaksanakan dalam dua tahap. Tahap 1 meliputi survei, reviu literatur, pengembangan draf. Tahap 2 meliputi uji lapangan terbatas, revisi produk utama, uji lapangan utama, revisi produk aplikatif, dan revisi produk akhir. Validasi produk dilakukan melalui eksperiman dengan rancangan prates-pascates rambang dua kelompok. Subjek terdiri dari 127 siswa pada kelompok eksperimen dan 130 siswa pada kelompok kontrol. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes, observasi, dan wawancara, kemudian dianalisis dengan analisis varian. Hasil pengembangan menunjukkan bahwa model budaya baca-tulis efektif untuk mengembangkan kemampuan membaca dan menulis serta aktivitas baca-tulis siswa SD untuk mengonstruk budaya baca-tulis, namun semua unsur sekolah harus berupaya keras mengonstruksi dan menerapkan model.

Kata kunci: baca-tulis, balance literacy, literasi, sekolah dasar


reading and writing culture, balance literacy, literacy information movement, elementary school

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