Sejarah Kelahiran Pendidikan Teknologi dan Industri: Jaman Primitif sampai Jaman Pergerakan Pendidikan Kejuruan Awal 1900-an di Amerika Serikat

Achmad Tutjik Moechid


The birth of industrial and technological education is merely yielded through a long journey of social movement in Europe triggered by educational reformers that opposed to scholastic philosophy. While the scholastic group, dominated by the feudalism, despised all manual work (technology), the reformers recommended that school curriculum at any level should contain a certain portion of technology. The process of teaching and learning should be related to industrial situation. If we trace the development of the social movement, we find that there was also some progress achieved in the system of technological education, such as the Russian, Sloyd, Manual Arts, Industrial Arts, and Vocational Education


Pendidikan teknologi industri, jaman primitif, jaman pendidikan teknologi industri, Amerika Serikat

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