Penerapan Strategi Aktivitas Terbimbing dalam Pengajaran Prosa Narasi untuk Pengembangan Berpikir Tinggi di Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

M. Nur Mustakim


This classroom action research was designed to implement the Guided Activity Strategy (GAS) in teaching narrative prose for developing high-level thinking. The subjects were 9 out of 46 students of the 5th grade of MIN I Malang, which were given the same treatment in the teaching of reading narrative prose by the implementation of GAS particularly in comprehending the narrative story in its literal, inferential, evaluative, and appreciative aspects.The teacher was involved in planning, teaching-learning, and evaluating processes. The results indicated that students' activity in comprehending the narrative story using GAS in the literal, inferential, evaluative and appreciative aspects achieved a good average qualification and increased from cycle to cycle


Strategi aktivitas terbimbing, pengajaran, prosa narasi, berpikir tinggi

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