Hubungan Percaya Diri dan Harga Diri dengan Kemampuan Bergaul Mahasiswa

Syamsul Bachri Thalib


The purpose of this research was to find out the correlation between self-confidence and self-esteem both individually and collectivelly and the interpersonal relationship ability. The subjects were 100 students of educational faculty of IKIP Ujung Pandang. The data were obtained by applying a set of scales for revealing interpersonal relationship, self-confidence, and self-esteem. The data were subjected to regression and analysis of variance. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that the ability in interpersonal relationship was influenced by the students` self-confidence and students' self-esteem. Furthermore, self-confidence had a greater influence than self-esteem on ability in interpersonal relationship


Kemampuan bergaul, percaya diri, harga diri

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