Kepuasaan Kerja dan Kinerja Akademik Dosen Kependidikan dan Dosen Nonkependidikan dalam Rangka Perluasan Mandat Akademik

Lukman Hakim


This research was intended to test differences of working satisfaction and performance between lecturers of educational department and lecturers of noneducational department at the Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education (FPMIPA) IKIP MALANG. The sample consisted of 102 lecturers and 345 students randomly selected from the lecturers and students of FPMIPA IKIP MALANG. Data were collected by questionnaire and documentary analysis, and analyzed by One-way and Two-way Analysis of Variance. The results revealed that there was no difference in lecturers' working satisfaction in each aspect and between the departments; there was a difference in lecturers' academic performance in the educational tridharma, but there was no difference in lecturers' performance in learning-teaching process


Kepuasan kerja, kinerja akademik, dosen kependidikan, dosen nonkependidikan, perluasan mandat akademik

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