Permasalahan Pendidikan Berkenaan dengan Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun Pendidikan Dasar

Ali Saifullah


An educational postulate states that the longer compulsary education in the national education system the higher the quality and progress of the nation, and finally the higher the quality of the human resources. The postulate is specifically fulfilled by three concepts and five characteristics of basic education. The three concepts include literacy education, citizenship, and basic education for all people. The five characteristics are related to universal inclusiveness, cost, compulsoriness for certain age, development of democratic values, and provision by governmental instutions. There are some problems concerning the development of the compulsary education, such as interconnection and stratification, transfer system and exams, budget, teachers's quality and their availability


Permasalahan pendidikan, wajib belajar, pendidikan dasar

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