The Effectiveness of Assertive Skill Training to Improve Assertive Behaviour of Bullying Victims Students in Senior High School

Karyanti Karyanti, Adi Atmoko, Immanuel Hitipeuw


Keefektifan Pelatihan Keterampilan Asertif Untuk Meningkatkan Perilaku Asertif Siswa Korban Bullying di SMA

Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of assertive skills training in improving assertive behavior of bullied high school students. Single Subject Research with ABAB reversal design is used in this study. There are 4 subjects from class X in academic year 2013/2014 which is identified as victims of bullying and had low assertive behavior based on the scale of victims of bullying and scale of assertive behavior (internal consistency validity and reliability 0,800 e” 0.3).  Baseline data phase and intervention phase are obtained through observation. Data is analyzed using visual analysis chart. The results show the assertive skills training with PLSIM can effectively improve assertive behavior of bullied students.
Key Words: victim of bullying, assertive skills


Abstrak: Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui keefektifan pelatihan keterampilan asertif dalam meningkatkan perilaku asertif siswa korban bullying di SMA. Penelitian  menggunakan Singel Subject Research dengan reversal design ABAB. Subjek 4 orang siswa kelas X tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 yang teridentifikasi sebagai korban bullying dan memiliki perilaku asertif yang rendah berdasarkan skala korban bullying dan skala perilaku asertif (validitas kosistensi internal e” 0,3 dan reliabilitas 0,800). Data fase baseline dan fase intervensi diperoleh melaui observasi. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis visual grafik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan keterampilan asertif dengan PLSIM efektif meningkatkan perilaku asertif siswa korban bullying.
Kata kunci: korban bullying, keterampilan asertif


victim of bullying; assertive skills

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