Brian Anggriawan, Effendy Effendy, Endang Budiasih


Students’ achievement in mastering symmetry is estimated being influenced by their spatial ability. The objectives of study are to: (1) describe students’ spatial ability, (2) describe students’ mastering of symmetry, and (3) find out the correlation between students’ spatial ability and their mastering of symmetry. This research is a quantitative descriptive and correlational research. Research data were analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation. Findings revealed that: (1) 40% of students have spatial ability in low category, (2) students’ mastering of symmetry included in the good category, and (3) students’ spatial ability is influenced their mastering of symmetry.

Kesuksesan mahasiswa dalam memahami materi Simetri diduga dipengaruhi oleh kemampuan spasial yang mereka miliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan kemampuan spasial mahasiswa jurusan kimia dan (2) mendeskripsikan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi Simetri, serta (3) menguji korelasi kemampuan spasial dan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi Simetri. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dan korelasional. Analisis korelasi kemampuan spasial dan pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi Simetri dilakukan melalui analisis parametrik Pearson product moment correlation. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) sebanyak 40% mahasiswa masih memiliki kemampuan spasial rendah; (2) pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap materi Simetri termasuk dalam kategori baik; (3) kemampuan spasial memengaruhi kesuksesan mahasiswa dalam memahami materi Simetri.


spatial ability; symmetry; correlation; kemampuan spasial; simetri; korelasi

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Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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