Penalaran Analogi Siswa Reflektif Kelas X Dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Trigonometri

Ahmadah Faashichah Romadlona, I Nengah Parta, Dwiyana Dwiyana


The purpose of this research is to describe the reasoning of reflective students' analogies in solving trigonometric problems. Problem trigonometry presented a problem that contains the problem analogies. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with an analogy reasoning test instrument. Data analysis is a description of words. The process of data analysis starts from reducing data, data exposure, verification and affirmation of conclusions. The subjects took one class X MIA 1 containing 30 students. The location of the research was conducted at MAN Mojosari Mojokerto. The cognitive style of students is measured using MFFT tests which can ultimately be categorized by students with reflective and impulsive cognitive styles. From the result of student's answer identification, it is found that the students are doing trigonometric questions with the sequence of components that exist on analogical reasoning according to Sternberg. However, there is an error in meganalogikan about trigonometry given due to lack of mastered concept.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan penalaran analogi siswa reflektif dalam menyelesaikan soal trigonometri. Soal trigonometri disajikan menjadi soal yang berisi permasalahan analogi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan instrumen soal tes penalaran analogi. Analisis data berupa uraian kata-kata. Proses analisis data dimulai dari mereduksi data, paparan data, verifikasi dan penegasan kesimpulan. Subjek penelitian mengambil satu kelas X MIA 1 yang berisi 30 siswa. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di MAN Mojosari Mojokerto. Gaya kognitif siswa diukur menggunakan tes MFFT yang akhirnya dapat dikategorikan siswa dengan gaya kognitif reflektif dan impulsif. Dari hasil identifikasi jawaban siswa diperoleh bahwa siswa mengerjakan soal trigonometri dengan urutan komponen yang ada pada penalaran analogi menurut Sternberg. Namun, terdapat kesalahan dalam meganalogikan soal trigonometri yang diberikan dikarenakan kekurangan konsep yang dikuasai.


analogy reasoning; reflective students; trigonometry penalaran analogy; siswa reflektif; trigonometri

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Copyright (c) 2018 Ahmadah Faashichah Romadlona, I Nengah Parta, Dwiyana Dwiyana

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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