Kontribusi Dukungan Sosial, Self-Esteem, dan Resiliensi terhadap Stres Akademik Siswa SMA

Ihdan Nizar Aza, Adi Atmoko, Imanuel Hitipeuw


Abstract: This study aims to determine the contribution of social support, self-esteem, and resilience to the academic stress of high school students with path analysis methods with a sample of 307 students taken by cluster random sampling technique. The research instrument was developed by authors with item validity> 0.30 and reliability> 0.70. The results showed a direct contribution of social support and self-esteem to the resilience of 0.242 and 0.453 sig (0.000). The direct contribution of social support, self-esteem, and resilience to academic stress were -0.153, -0.118, and -0.583 sig (0.000). Indirect contribution of social support and self-esteem to academic stress through the resilience of -0.141 and -0.264.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi dukungan sosial, self-esteem dan resiliensi terhadap stres akademik siswa SMA dengan metode analisis jalur dengan sampel 307 siswa yang diambil dengan teknik cluster random sampling. Instrumen penelitian dikembangkan penulis dengan validitas butir >0.30 dan reliabilitas >0,70. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kontribusi langsung dukungan sosial dan self-esteem terhadap resiliensi sebesar 0.242 dan 0,453 sig (0.000)., kontribusi langsung dukungan sosial, self-esteem, dan resiliensi terhadap stres akademik sebesar -0.153, -0.118, dan -0.583 sig (0.000). Kontribusi tidak langsung dukungan sosial dan self-esteem terhadap stres akademik melalui resiliensi sebesar -0.141 dan -0.264.


social support; self-esteem; academic stress; resilience; dukungan sosial; self-esteem; stres akademik; resiliensi

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/jptpp.v4i4.12285


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Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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