Panduan Lingkungan Ruang Kelas Berorientasi Multiple Intelegences di Sekolah Dasar

Ludfi Arya Wardana, Uswatun Hasanah


Abstract: The research and development was carried out in class V SDN Sukabumi 2 Probolinggo city and SDN Purutrejo 2 Pasuruan city had the aim of producing a multi-intelligence oriented classroom environment guide product. The research method with Borg & Gall as its model was modified into: (1) information gathering, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) expert validation, (5) field trials, (6) final products. The results of the study are validation of learning technology experts score 88.3% valid criteria. Validation of linguists score 81.6% valid criteria. Field validation scores 78.5% valid criteria. Conclusion product guide for thematic classroom environment oriented multiple intelligences has a high level of validity, readability, and applicability so that this product matches the theoretical foundation and can be applied in elementary schools. Suggestions for disseminating products to improve the quality of local education.

Abstrak: Penelitian dan pengembangan dilakukan di kelas V SDN Sukabumi 2 kota Probolinggo dan SDN Purutrejo 2 kota Pasuruan mempunyai tujuan menghasilkan produk panduan lingkungan ruang kelas berorientasi multiple intelegences. Metode penelitian dengan Borg & Gall sebagai modelnya yang dimodifikasi menjadi: (1) pengumpulan informasi, (2) perencanaan, (3) pengembangan produk, (4) validasi ahli, (5) uji coba lapangan, (6) produk akhir. Hasil penelitian yaitu validasi ahli teknologi pembelajaran skor 88,3% kriteria valid. Validasi ahli bahasa skor 81,6% kriteria valid. Validasi lapangan skor 78,5% kriteria valid. Kesimpulan produk panduan lingkungan ruang kelas berorientasi multiple intelegences mempunyai tingkat validitas, keterbacaan dan keterterapan tinggi sehingga produk ini sesuai landasan teoritik dan dapat diterapkan di sekolah dasar. Saran dilakukan penyebarluasan produk untuk meningkatkan kualitias pendidikan setempat.


classroom enviroment; multiple intelegences; lingkungan ruang kelas; multiple intelegences

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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