Paket Pelatihan Coping Self-Talk bagi Calon Konselor

Irene Maya Simon, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman, Nugraheni Warih Utami, Eko P. Laksana


Abstract: This study aims to develop a training package of coping self-talk for pre-service counselors that has high acceptability, i.e. meeting the criteria of appropriateness, usefulness, easiness, attractiveness and clarity. The study applied a research and development design and procedure adapted from Borg & Gall. The evaluation of the training package was carried out through expert judgement and field testing. Two experts in guidance and counseling and one expert in instructional media were asked to validate the training package. Next, a lecturer and ten undergraduate students majoring in guidance and counseling were involved in small group testing. After making the necessary revisions, a lecturer and 39 other students were involved in operational field testing. The series of examinations produced a training package of coping self-talk that meets the criteria of appropriateness, usefulness, easiness, attractiveness and clarity.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan paket pelatihan coping self-talk bagi calon konselor yang mempunyai akseptabilitas tinggi, yaitu memenuhi kriteria ketepatan, kegunaan, kemudahan, kemenarikan, dan kejelasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain dan prosedur penelitian pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari Borg & Gall. Pengujian bahan pelatihan dilakukan dengan uji ahli dan uji lapangan. Dua ahli bimbingan dan konseling dan seorang ahli media pembelajaran diminta untuk memvalidasi paket pelatihan. Berikutnya, seorang dosen dan sepuluh mahasiswa BK terlibat dalam pengujian kelompok kecil. Setelah dilakukan revisi produk yang diperlukan, pengujian lapangan operasional dilakukan oleh seorang dosen dan 39 mahasiswa BK lainnya. Serangkaian uji coba tersebut menghasilkan produk paket pelatihan coping self-talk yang memiliki kriteria sangat tepat, sangat berguna, sangat mudah, sangat menarik, dan sangat jelas.


training package; coping self-talk; prospective counselor; paket pelatihan; coping self-talk; calon konselor

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Copyright (c) 2020 Irene Maya Simon, Diniy Hidayatur Rahman, Nugraheni Warih Utami, Eko P. Laksana

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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