The Challenges Faced by Graduates of Teacher Professional Education Program

Lilis Nur Hidayati, Utami Widiati, Enny Irawati


Abstract: This article gives a report on a study on the challenges faced by graduates of Teacher Professional Education Program in terms of lesson planning, execution stage, and evaluation. Narrative research is used for this study to understand present real-life experiences. The study revealed that the graduates of PPG experienced some challenges in those three phase of teaching and learning process; however, along with those challenges, they were able to give responses which they thought to be the most effective responses.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini melaporkan hasil penelitian tentang tantangan yang dihadapi oleh lulusan Program Pendidikan Profesi Guru dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, mengimplementasikan rencana pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Penelitian naratif digunakan untuk memahami pengalaman nyata dalam kehidupan. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa lulusan program PPG mengalami beberapa tantangan dalam ketiga tahapan pembelajaran tersebut, namun bersama dengan itu, mereka mampu memberikan respons yang menurut mereka paling efektif untuk dilakukan


professional education program; narrative research; pendidikan profesi guru; penelitian naratif

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