The Effect of Digital Literacy and Word Choice Mastery on Students' Writing Skills

Aveny Septi Astriani, Dea Silvani, Sitti Syakira


This study aims to investigate the effect of digital literacy skills and word choice mastery on students' writing skills. This descriptive qualitative research used survey in the form of questionnaires, multiple choice items, and writing practice as the data collection techniques. The obtained data were analysed by calculating the scores of digital literacy skills, word choice mastery, and writing skills practice, and then calculating the effect of those variables using multiple linear regression tests. The data were then processed through the steps of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The sample of this study were 55 college students who signed a writing contract at Siliwangi University. As a result, word choice mastery had an effect of 1.2%, digital literacy skills had an effect writing skill of 9%, while literacy skills and word choice mastery influenced writing skills of 11.6%.


digital literacy; word choice mastery; writing skills

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Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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