Barep Yohanes, Subanji Subanji, Sisworo Sisworo


The purpose of the study describes the rises of cognitive load of students in learning geometry. The study used a qualitative approach. The results showed that the intrinsic cognitive load is derived from the number of elements of interactivity of position, distance, and angles between points, lines, and areas, congruency of triangles, algebraic and fractional operations. Intrinsic cognitive load comes from the complexity of the learning material that constitutes visualizing, performing algebraic operations,  determining congruency triangle, and the angle of difficulties. Extraneous cognitive load that arise due to the way the teacher in explaining too fast and disturbance of some of friends who are crowded / noisy. Germane cognitive load that arises due to the use of Cabri 3D in learning and giving variable example

Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan munculnya beban kognitif siswa dalam pembelajaran materi geometri. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beban kognitif intrinsic disebabkan oleh jumlah elemen interaktivitas yaitu kedudukan, jarak, dan sudut antara titik, garis, dan bidang, kesebangunan segitiga, operasi aljabar, dan operasi pecahan. Beban kognitif intrinsic disebabkan oleh kompleksitas materi, yaitu kesulitan membayangkan, kesulitan melakukan operasi aljabar, kesulitan menentukan kesebangunan segitiga, dan kesulitan menentukan besar sudut. Beban kognitif extraneous disebabkan oleh cara guru dalam menjelaskan terlalu cepat dan gangguan dari sebagian teman yang ramai/gaduh. Beban kognitif germane disebabkan oleh penggunaan Cabri 3D dalam pembelajaran dan pemberian latihan soal.



cognitive load; students; learning; geometry beban kognitif; siswa; pembelajaran; geometri

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Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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