Akhmad Munaya Rahman, Budijanto Budijanto, Singgih Susilo


The purpose of this study is to produce a geography text book on the material of distribution pattern and spatial interaction of rural and urban. This study was designed with the approach of research development using the model of Dick & Carey which simplified into five phase; the first phase: setting standards competencies, basic competencies, and indicators on the geography syllabus of twelve grade. The second phase: analyzing the learning materials, the third phase: the development and preparation of geography text book, the fourth stage: validation of the expert and testing of the product, and the fifth phase: product revision of geography text book. The quality of products is known through the results of the teacher’s response in school and students during the field trial. The subject of the test is the students of Private Madrasah Aliyah Bustanul Ulum. Based on the results of field trial showed that the results of the development get positive response by teacher and students with a percentage of achievement level are 88.2% and 80.2% and are on a good qualifying and ineligible for use.

Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menghasilkan buku teks geografi pada materi pola persebaran dan interaksi spasial desa dan kota. Penelitian ini didesain dengan pendekatan penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model Dick & Carey yang disederhanakan menjadi lima langkah, yaitu tahap pertama, menentukan SK, KD, dan Indikator pada silabus geografi kelas XII, tahap kedua: menganalisis materi pembelajaran, tahap ketiga: pengembangan dan penyusunan buku teks geografi, tahap keempat: validasi ahli dan uji coba produk, dan tahap kelima: revisi produk buku teks geografi. Kualitas produk diketahui melalui hasil tanggapan guru di sekolah dan siswa pada saat uji lapangan. Subjek uji coba yakni siswa Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Bustanul Ulum. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba lapangan menunjukkan hasil pengembangan mendapat respon yang positif oleh guru dan siswa dengan persentase tingkat pencapaian 88,2% dan 80,2% dan berada pada kualifikasi baik dan layak untuk digunakan.


geography text book; distribution pattern; spatial interaction; buku teks geografi; pola persebaran; interaksi spasial

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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