Pembelajaran Kontekstual dengan Metode Inkuiri untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir dan Motivasi Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Wahid

Siti Zubaidah


Abstract: Based on our observation to students and discussion with the head master and science teacher of MIWH III Malang on September 13 and 14, 2005, known that there were complicated problems in science class V. Most of the student motivation and ability to think was still lower, and those problems effected to the lower students achievement. The traditional teaching and learning was the last problems in that school. Therefore, in this research we want to try to solve the problems with contextual teaching and learning covered by classroom action research (CAR). Some studies shown that applying inquiry-based methods have many advantages to solve the problems like at MIWH III Malang, therefore this method applied in those school. We hope applying that method in this research will improve the students ability to think, achievement and motivation at science class V MIWH III Malang. The research was conducted during 10 months, start at February until November 2006. The class action was conducted at mid July until the end of September 2006. This research design using Kemmis and of Taggart model, which consist of four phases, these are planning of action, doing the action, observation, and reflection. The research subject was student at science class V MIWH III Malang, consisting of 14 students. The result of this research showed that applying of inquiry-based methods can improve the student ability to think, achievement and motivation at science class V MIWH III Malang. MIWH III Malang need more helps to empowered all student ability to think, achievement and motivation.


kontekstual, inquiry, kemampuan berpikir, perolehan, motivasi