Model Pendidikan Jender di SMP dalam Rangka Penyiapan Anak Menuju Tatanan Kehidupan Demokratis: Studi pada SMP Negeri di Surabaya

Oksiana Jatiningsih


This research aims to build a model of gender education for students at junior high school, as a means to deconstruct children’s gender and prepare them as members of democratic society. The prerequisite of the model is teachers with gender knowledge, sensitivity, and awareness, as well as equality perception. This research is held in some junior high schools in Surabaya. Gender education at junior high school is taught in two ways, through learning process in class and extracurriculair activity. The first is related with learning material and media as well as teachers’ performance in buiding instructional interaction. Besides written curriculum, this is also connected with hidden curriculum. The second is conducted through gender training for students. 


jender, pendidikan jender, SMP