Penerapan Metode Jarimatika untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Penjumlahan dan Pengurangan pada Siswa Kelas 1 dan 2 SDN 6 Sesetan, Denpasar Selatan

Ni Made Asih


One of the way can be used to comprehend basic concept of  mathematics, specially for add and subtract operation for the student of class 1 and class 2 Elementary School is  jarimatika method. Jarimatika method is learning and playing at the same time, by using their fingers. This jarimatika method is assumed effective to increase the understanding of Elementary School student about basic concept of add and subtract operation. This research aims to analyze: 1) influence of giving of jarimatika method in improving the understanding of add and subtract concept, mathematics subject; 2) difference of effectiveness applying of jarimatika method between Elementary School student class 1 and class 2. Research conducted in SDN 6 Sesetan-South Denpasar, in the form of participatory classroom action research, for 41 students class 1 and 37 students class 2, owning less understanding ability in mathematics concept. Data collecting technique, conducted by: test, interview, and observation. Test conducted to see changes of student conception after given by jarimatika method, by giving pre test and post test. Research hypothesis tested by t test, by using statistical computer software SPSS Version 12.0 for window. Specified by level of significance equal to 5%. Results of descriptive analysis indicate that, there are increasing completeness of student’s study result. At student class 1, completeness of study result pre action is 68.29%, increase become 95.12% at Cycle I. While at student class 2, happened increase of completeness of student’s study result from 70.27% become 91.89%. Result of examination of hypothesis one, obtained by value of t test is -5.424 with probability 0.000, so that Ho refused, it’s meant that giving of jarimatika method have a significant effect on improvement of the understanding of add and subtract operation concept at student class 1 and 2 SDN 6 Sesetan, South Denpasar. Result of examination of hypothesis two, obtained by value of t test is 1.329 and probability 0.188, so that Ho accepted, it’s meant, either mean of sample do not differ by significant, or applying of jarimatika method have same effectiveness if applied at Student class 1 and also student class 2.


jarimatika, tambah, kurang, mengerti konsep

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