Pembelajaran Menulis Berbasis Modeling

Yayat Sudaryat


This study was based on the issue that the Indonesia high school student’s writing ability was still low. Therefore, it was needed to find out the factors causing the problem and solution to overcome in through the implementation of the strategi modeling berbasis teks (SMBT) or text-based modelling strategy (TBMS). It would provide teachers with alternatives for teaching writing that enable students to increase their ability in writing an essay. The study used the experimental methods with The Randomaized Pretest-Postest Comparison Group Design. The data were collected in the forms of essay, questionnaire, interviews result, document, and observation result. The data collected were processed in quantitative and qualitative methods. The main source of the data were the students of SMA YAS Bandung. The result of this study proved that the SMBT could overcome the hindrance of writing, and it was also effective in increasing the students competence of writing an essay. The value of significance of three groups (SPK, SMD, and SMBT) essay writing competence was 0.000. In the validity level of 95%, the value of significance was less than 0.05;  therefore, the Ho was rejected. The result was also valid for significance value of the essay writing aspect’s competence (substantive, textual, lexical, syntactic, and graphemic). Though they altogether increased the writing competence, it was seen that the SMBT was much better and more effectictive than the SMD and SPK. The study found that the procedure composed dand applied in the SMBT, that has never done before, contributed positively to the increase of writing competence.
Kata kunci: pembelajaran, menulis, modeling


pembelajaran, menulis, modeling

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