Pengembangan Perangkat Ajar Berbasis Web pada Mata Kuliah Struktur Data di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Sriwijaya

Mgs. Afriyan Firdaus, Jaidan Jauhari


The low result of students’ learning on data structure subject at Computer Science Faculty Sriwijaya University in the academic year 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 happens because of many factors, one of them is the lack of teaching tools usage. Too many materials and lack of time of classroom process cause teaching and learning process running ineffectively. The purpose of this research is to develop web based teaching tools on data structure at computer science faculty Sriwijaya University. With this teaching tool, it is hoped that the teaching and learning process will be more effective and interesting and with the accessible subjects and more attractive look do as well. Teaching tool development can be conducted by using development research method with system model approach. Teaching tool development resulted is divided into five parts, they are materials (containing list linier material), contact (containing question items related to material), questionnaire and link. The usage of teaching tool has successfully proven to improve students’ learning result, especially in mid semester score.
Kata kunci: perangkat ajar, struktur data, Internet


perangkat ajar, struktur data, Internet

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