Pengembangan Program Pembelajaran Mitigasi Bencana Gempa Bumi bagi Siswa SMP

Agus Suyatna, Abdurrahman , Rosana


This study aims (1) develop a learning program of the earthquake disaster mitigation for junior high students, which includes: syllabus, teaching materials, teaching models, (2) develop a multimedia computer aided learning earthquakes. This research method is a research and development. Our research includes the study of literature, planning, developing initial product form, validation by specialists in natural disasters of earthquake and education experts. Validation results obtained are then revised and initial draft. Initial draft and then tested on junior high science teachers of the school location prone to natural disasters, and then made repeated revisions and re-testing so as to produce a prototype that whether as a result of development. Data analysis included qualitative and quantitative analysis. The result of learning programs earthquake mitigation of natural disasters that include: syllabus, teaching materials, teaching models, and computer-based multimedia learning. Learning programs are being developed include the causes and mechanisms of disaster, disaster prevention and reduction of losses, self rescue and evacuation efforts from the earthquake disaster.


learning, mitigation, earthquake

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