Hubungan antara Kapabilitas Kepemimpinan, Kompetensi Dosen, Komitmen Dosen, dan Akuntabilitas Lembaga dengan Kinerja Lembaga dalam Pelaksanaan Penjaminan Mutu pada Universitas Negeri di Jawa Timur



The purposes of this research are among others to understand the description of the institution performance in implementing quality assurance at state universities in East Java and to understand eiher direct or indirectly the relation between leadership capability, lecturer competency, lecturer commitment, and institution accountability with institution performance in implementing quality assurance at state universities in East Java. This research applies quantitative approach method of descriptive-co-relational. This research was conducted at seven state universities in East Java, and research samples obtained of 330 lecturers, by using the proportional random sampling. The research data were collected by means of questionnaire which has the required level of validity and reliability. Data analysis technique applied in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on Partial Least Square (PLS) software. The result of the research shows that (1) the illustration of leadership capability, lecturer competency, lecturer commitment, and institution accountability and institution performance in implementing quality assurance at state universities in East Java perceptible by respondent are having good average category, (2) the stronger institution accountability and the stronger lecturer commitment is followed by the higher institution performance in implementing quality assurance, and (3) the stronger leadership capability and the stronger lecturer commitment is followed by the higher institution accountability.


kapabilitas kepemimpinan, kompetensi dosen, komitmen dosen, akuntabilitas lembaga

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