Integrasi Multimedia Interaktif, Kerja Kolaboratif, dan Berpikir Reflektif dalam Perkuliahan Fisika Dasar untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Generik Sains Calon Guru SMK Tata Boga

Wahono Widodo, Liliasari , Agus Setiawan


Improving science generic skills on non-physics major students through introductory physics course is one of challenging tasks, but it is less studied. The objective of the research was to know the effectiveness of integration of interactive multimedia, collaborative work, and reflective thinking on introductory physics course to increase science generic skills on prospective of vocational high school teachers in foods program. The research used control group pretest-posttest design. The populations were students of prospective of vocational high school teachers in foods program of state university in East Java. The samples were taken by purposive random sampling technique, and then divided into two groups by matching group technique, 35 students on experiment group as well as 33 students on control group. On experiment group, students posed by problems that had to resolved by collaborative works. In order to resolve the problems, student learned concepts underlies of the problems through interactive multimedia. After problems were resolved, students reflected the steps of resolving problems. Science generic skills test was used as instrument. Data was analyzed with Mann-Whitney U Test, to compare normalized gain of science generic skills between experiment group and control group. Result showed that integration of interactive multimedia, collaborative work, and reflective thinking on Introductory Physics course was effective to improve the science generic skills on prospective of vocational high school teachers in foods program.


multimedia interaktif, kolaboratif, reflektif, keterampilan generik sains

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