Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Tematik untuk Kelas 1 dan Kelas 2 Sekolah Dasar

Sa’dun Akbar, I Wayan Sutama, Pujianto


The research aims, generally, to produce the effective, valid, and aplicable Models of Thematic Learning; ecspecially, to describe validity and effectiveness of Thematic Models of Learning in various thema. This research use to the developmental risearch design, ecspecially with experimental design for this third year research that run on the first and second grade on elementary school in East Java. The result show that the six thema of Thematic Models of Learning are valid with variouse rate of validity, appicable, and effective to reach learning objective. It’s recomended that the thematic models of learning are dessiminated and mass publicated for the first and second grade of elementary school teacher and for student of University of Teacher Education.


model pembelajaran tematik, Sekolah Dasar

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