Kajian Pengembangan Indikator Kinerja Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Kebumen

Dwiyanto Indiahono


Public need accurate information concerning problem, education performance indicator and performance indicator that matching with future and public demand. Local government have to can shows the ability and willingness to compile performance indicator of education local-department. Indicator Performance of education local-department have to depict commitment seriously of local government  in educating local people. Therefore, this research formulate research question: How improving performance indicator of education local-department at Kebumen Regency that matching with future and public demand? Research with qualitative method have been done. The result of this research are: first, indicator performance compilation of education local-department has to improve in harmony with Medium Level Development Planning (RPJM) Kebumen Regency and key performance indicator  for management  education which is  released by Domestic Department (Departemen Dalam Negeri). Second, education local-department can develop indicators that show incresing of quality and relevance, impact indicators or other additional indicator to assure efficacy activities and programs. Third, training and technical assistance are needed for compilation workplan base on performance to improve knowledge and skilled of governmental officers at education local- department. This is as one of the way to develop performance indicator on education local-department more specific, unique and have high competitiveness.


indikator kinerja, dinas pendidikan daerah, pemerintah daerah

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