Unjuk Kerja Mahasiswa Peserta “Teaching Junior Secondary Mathematics In English” dalam Membelajarkan Matematika Berbahasa Inggris Berbantuan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

Cholis Sa’dijah


This study proposes that to know the performance of the students who take “Teaching Junior Secondary Mathematics in English”(TJSME) in teaching mathematics in English using information communication technology (ICT). The output of this study are syllaby, lesson plan, worksheet, media, assessment, and scenario developed by students for teaching mathematics in junior secondary students in English. The subject of this study are fifth semester students of Mathematics Education Study Program, Malang State University, offering AX 2009/2010. Descriptive study is implemented in this study. The conclusion of this study is that the performance of the students in teaching mathematics in English is very good. The students give very good responses in using ICT in this lecture. ICT really help students to improve their students performance in teaching mathematics in English.


kinerja, mengajar matematika SLTP dalam bahasa Inggris, ICT

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