Pandangan Guru-Guru Terhadap Masalah-Masalah Tingkah-Laku Siswa SD

Imanuel Hitipeuw


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru tentang masalah perilaku siswa mereka bahwa menurut guru yang paling merepotkan, dan mana yang mereka hadapi secara teratur dan sulit untuk dipecahkan sendiri tanpa meminta bantuan dari ahli. Ini adalah penelitian survei. Kuesioner terdiri dari 4 item diberikan untuk mengumpulkan data dari 18 subyek. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru SD di satu sekolah di Balikpapan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) tidak hormat, mengganggu, kurangnya perhatian, agresif, dan berbicara berlebihan di antara perilaku yang paling sulit di dalam kelas, (2) berbicara berlebihan dan kurangnya perhatian sebagian besar terjadi dan secara teratur di dalam kelas, (3) hormat, agresif , berbicara berlebihan dan kurangnya perhatian adalah yang sulit bagi guru untuk memecahkan, dan (4) guru mencari profesional membantu ketika masalah adalah sebagian besar tidak hormat, agresif, kurangnya perhatian, perilaku gelisah dan apatis. Berdasarkan temuan, guru di sekolah perlu dipersiapkan untuk bagaimana menghadapi masalah perilaku siswa mereka, dalam rangka t membantu siswa tumbuh dan berkembang.


This study aimed at knowing  teachers’ perception on the behavioral problems of their students that according to the teachers were most troublesome, and which of them they faced regularly and difficult to be solved by themselves without asking help from an expert. This was the survey research. Questionnaires consisted of 4 items were administered to collect data from 18 subjects. The subjects were elementary school teachers at one school in Balikpapan. The research findings  showed that (1) disrespect, disruptive, inattention, aggressive, and excessive talking were among the most troublesome behavior in the classroom; (2) excessive talking  and inattention  occurred mostly and regularly in the classroom; (3) disrespect, aggressive, excessive talking and inattention were the difficult ones for teachers to solve; and (4) teachers looked for professional helps when the problems mostly were disrespect, aggressive, inattention, nervous behavior and apathy. Based on the findings, teachers in schools  need to be prepared for how to deal with the behavior problems of their students, in order t help the students grow and develop.


Behavior Problems, Teacher Perception, elementary school

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