Variabel-Variabel yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Koperasi Pondok Pesantren di Kabupaten Tulungagung

Agus Eko Sujianto


This study aims to explain the effects of: (1) the career development of the members on their participation; (2) the modernity of the Kyai (the religious teacher) on the participation of the members; (3) the performance of cooperatives managers on the participation of the members; (4) the career development of the members on the performance of the Koppontren (the cooperatives of Islamic boarding schools); (5) the modernity of the Kyai on the performance of the Koppontren; (6) the performance of cooperatives managers on the performance of the Koppontren; and (7) the participation of the members on the performance of the Koppontren. The respondents of the study were as many as 320 members taken from 35 Koppontren at Kabupaten Tulungagung. The samples were drawn by using multistage random sampling in order to guarantee its representativeness. A
questionnaire was used to collect the primary data, which were then analyzed by using Structural Equation Modelling with Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL). The results of the study show that from seven hypotheses, there is one hypothesis found unsignificantly influence, namely the effect of career development programs in the forms of education, training, and socialization on the participation of the members as the owner, controller, and customer of the Koppontren.


Tujuan studi ini menjelaskan pengaruh: (1) pembinaan anggota terhadap partisipasi anggota;(2) modernitas Kyai terhadap partisipasi anggota; (3) kinerja pengurus terhadap partisipasi anggota; (4) pembinaan anggota terhadap kinerja Koppontren; (5) modernitas Kyai terhadap kinerja Koppontren; (6) kinerja pengurus terhadap kinerja Koppontren dan (7) partisipasi anggota terhadap kinerja
Koppontren. Responden penelitian sebanyak 320 anggota dari 35 Koppontren di Kabupaten Tulungagung. Teknik penarikan sampel yang dipakai untuk menjamin tingkat representasi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan acak bertingkat. Teknik pengumpulan data utama penelitian menggunakan angket yang selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan model persamaan struktural dengan Linear Structural RELationships (LISREL). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa, dari tujuh jalur yang
dihipotesiskan terdapat satu jalur yang tidak signifikan berpengaruh yaitu: pembinaan anggota dalam bentuk pendidikan, pelatihan dan penyuluhan berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap partisipasi anggota sebagai pemilik, pengendali dan pengguna Koppontren.


career development, modernity, performance, participation, cooperatives

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