Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Science, Environment, Technology, Society (SETS) Terhadap Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Secara Tertulis Berupa Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Bidang Geografi Siswa SMA

Achmad Fatchan, Hadi Soekamto, Yuniarti Yuniarti


Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of SETS learning model on the written communication skill (pappers). The type of this study is quasi-experimental research, used control group design. This study was conducted at senior high school. Experimental class was treated by using a SETS learning model where as the control class by using lectures method and powerpoint media/slide film. The data was analyzed by using independent samples t test with SPSS for Windows 16.0. Results showed that there are significant differences between the average written communication skill in experiment class with the control class. Based on the analysis of the data found that the experiments class have average written communication skills higher than class control. Can be concluded that the SETS learning model significantly affects the written communication skill of students senior high school. It is suggested for the Geography teachers to applying the SETS learning model. For further research is recommended to measure the other variables trialling a combination of models and other learning media with SETS learning model.


SETS learning model, written communication skill/pappers, and senior high school

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