Keefektifan Metode Ceramah yang Menggunakan Media Visual dan Metode Ceramah Murni dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Nilai di Sekolah Dasar

Sholikhul Waji D.P.


This study aims to compare the effectiveness of lecturing technique using visual media and only lecturing technique in learning specific educational values in PPKn at elementary level. This study was conducted for 6 months at an elementary school in the District of Slawi, Tegal regency, Central Java. This study used purposive random sampling. The selected samples were 6 elementary schools (2 in the town, 2 in the village, and 2 in between the town and the village). From each school were selected 10 fifth year students, totaling 60 students. The data were collected through explorative experiment, and analysed using t-test. The findings showed that lecturing technique using visual media is more effective then lecturing technique only.