Mereka Pembelajaran Sains dan Teknologi di Perguruan Tinggi Berdasarkan Fenomena Dialektika Era Globalisasi

A. Mukhadis


The use of science and technology for solving problems will arouse two things. The first is the excelle nce of problem solving strategy, and the second is the arousal of new problems requiring solution using higher technology. These two things are called phenomena of science and technology dialectics. The excellence of a nation's product is determined by the ability to follow the rhythm and/or the speed of these phenomena. Therefore, to increase the ability to analyze and synthesize the elements of capital embodied technology, human embodied technology , and technology embodiment in learning, are potential in facilitating the development of excellent human resources in science and technology, i.e. the human resources who have willingness and ability to think critically; sensitivity, independence and responsibility; high emulation force; open to changes; skills in seeking information; ability to work in groups, ability to think globally, and high civilization.