Tantangan Pengembangan Karier Guru Perempuan di SLTP dan SMU Kota Makassar

Alimuddin Mahmud


This research studies the female teacher's career using a qualitative and case study method. The data were collected through in-depth interview and focused group discussion on the headmasters and teachers of public junior and senior high schools. Each school was represented by two persons, a man and a woman. The findings show that the factors which hamper female teachers' career development to be headmistress were the process of recruitment, the social culture that places women at domestic works (gender stereotype), misperception of sexual/women nature, women double role that cause great work burden, and women who do not recommend women to be leaders. Therefore, if women teachers want to enhance their career to be headmistress, they should be brave, i.e. empowering their own selves, facing the domination of men power, and taking risk of their decision, especially on behavior dimensions which are considered to deviate from their culture and religion.