Implementasi Pembelajaran Generatif Berbasis Konstruktivisme sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar dan Keterampilan Proses Fisika Siswa Kelas III SMP

Sutarman Sutarman


This study aims to increase student learning activities and process skills in Physics by the implementation of generative learning. The research design was classroom action research using two cycles. This study was conducted in the first semester of 2003 academic year in SLTPN 17 Malang, with 45 students as the subjects of study. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected. The findings show that the students' activeness increases. The students interact with their teacher as well as with other students. They also study using inquiry approach in the laboratory. This learning model turns out to increase the process skills learning Physics, which includes formulating hypothesis, planning and conducting experiment, collecting data, making graphs, drawing conclusion and communicating findings.