Kinerja Mengajar Dosen dalam Proses Pembelajaran di Universitas Negeri Malang

A. Syukur Ghazali, Punaji Setyosari


The purpose of the study were to describe lecturers' performance (1) to implement teaching process, (2) to motivate students' involvement, (3) to handle academic problems outside the classroom, and (4) to assess students' performance. Descriptive analysis was conducted to analyze the research data. The research findings were as the following: (1) most of the lecturers were not to activate students to consider teaching materials in the learning process, (2) little lecturers considering student thinking as an important aspect and the teaching strategy to habituate student in cooperative learning, (3) not many lecturers put attention on the importance of information equaty in teaching learning process, (4) the lecturers have not facilitated students' learning, and (5) the lecturers were more imphasized on product evaluation than the process.


kinerja mengajar; proses pembelajaran; tindak evaluasi; dan kemajuan belajar