Pengaruh Motivasi dan Kecerdasan Visual terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Seni Rupa di Kelas I SMA

Sugeng Koesdriyanto


This research aims at describing the effect of motivation and visual intelligence on the achievement in arts education of the first year students of SMA. This research used descriptive-correlational design. 70 first year students were selected from 6 classes, using Slovin formula, as the sample of this research. The data were collected using questionnaire, interview, documentation, and observation, and then analysed using descriptive statistic (frequency and percentage table) and inferential statistic (F-test, t-test to find R2 value). The findings showed that: (1) motivation has a significant effect on student’s achievement, with sub-variables (a) existence need, (b) relation need, and (c) development need; and (2) visual intelligence has a significant effect on student’s achievement, with sub-variables (a) technical ability, and (b) behaviour ability.


motivation; visual intelligence; arts education