Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kontekstual dan Kecakapan Motorik terhadap Hasil Belajar Kertakes Siswa Kelas V SD

Amir Amir


This research aims to improve the teaching of Arts and Crafts (Kertakes) using contextual teaching and motoric skill at 4 elementary schools. The subjects of the study are 104 students. Data are collected through test, observation, and interview, and analyzed using anakova. The results show that: (1) there is an effect of contextual teaching on student achievement, (2) there is an effect of motoric skill on student achievement, (3) there is an interaction between learning approach and motoric skill on student achievement, (4) there is an interaction among the teacher, craftsman, and students in learning, (5) there is an increase in student achievement. It is suggested that contextual teaching and craft center be used in teaching Arts and Crafts.


pembelajaran kontekstual; kecakapan motorik; hasil belajar; kertakes