Sosok Guru Pendidikan Jasmani SMU

M.E. Winarno


The purpose of this study was to describe the profile of physical education teachers of Senior High School (SMU) in terms of their status, experience, and teaching load. The sample were 38 physical education teachers of Senior High School in Malang. Data were collected by observation and questionnaire, and analyzed in descriptive level by percentages and Chi-square. The results revealed that 66,33% of the teachers had achieved a good performance in teaching-learning process. There were no differences in teaching performance between part-time teachers and full-time teachers, between experienced teachers and inexperinced teachers, and between teachers with low load (< 18 hours/week) and techers with high load (>= 18 hours/week)


Guru, guru Pendidikan Jasmani, Pendidikan Jasmani

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