Menegakkan Kode Etika Profesi Guru dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Citra Profesi Guru dan Jiwa Korps Keguruan: Wawasan dan Pengalaman Filsafat Pendidikan

Mohammad Noor Syam


Appreciating the code of ethics is a foundation to implement and maintain the teachers profession. The code of profession ethics bears values, motivations, and internal control generating teachers' spirit of obedience and increasing their confidence and prestige in holding the profession. Teachers' awareness of this normative principle will be able to develop their moral insights and establish the teachers' personalities and profession which will, in turn, increase the teachers' obedience to build qualified human resources and to ensure the spirit of the corps. Discussions on the code of profession ethics could also generate motivation to think of the lecturers' profession at universities.

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