Implementasi GBPP Pendidikan Agama 1997 di Perguruan Tinggi Umum

Mulyadi Guntur Waseso


The General Directorate of Higher Education had published the Guidelines of Instructional Program for Religious Education (GBPP Pendidikan Agama) 1997. Some aspects of the Guidelines need to be thought of and considered by the lecturers of Religious Education. The lecturers have to enrich their instructional programs with religious experiences offered to the students as an extracurricular activity. A contextual approach should be implemented to help the students solve their actual problems. The lecturers of subject matter with sufficient capabilities can be recruited to teach the Religious Education. Achievement evaluation should be designed to include the cognitive, affective and psychomotoric domains. The existing organization of religious lecturers can function as a forum for sharing information to solve instructional problems and to improve the lecturers' performance


GBPP-PA 1997, pendekatan kontekstual, dosen bidang studi, penilaian prestasi belajar

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