Penerapan Model Story Maps dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mereproduksi Cerita Pendek bagi Siswa SLTP

Nurhayati Nurhayati, Mulyadi Eko Purnomo


This research aims at investigating whether or not the application of story maps model will increase the ability of SLTPN 1 Palembang in re-producing short stories. This research used a classroom action research model, involving 3 cycles. The pre-test conducted before the action showed that none of the 44 students got the score of 75 above. The post-test of cycle I showed that 15 students (34%) got the score of 75 (mean = 55.4). In the post-test of cycle II, 31 students (70%) got the score of 75 (mean 76.6). In the post-test of cycle III, there were 39 students (89%) who got the score of 75 (mean 77.8). The findings indicate that the students ability in reproducing short stories improved as the story maps model was ap-plied. In addition, the students seemed to be more enthusiastic in participating in the classroom activities.


Model story maps; cerita pendek; kemampuan reproduksi cerita; siswa SLTP

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