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Exploring The Influence of Online Inquiry Learning With E-scaffolding Prompting Question on Problem-Solving Skills in The Work Energy Topic for Islamic Senior High School Students

Arrika Wifqotu Lailin Nafisah, Supriyono Koes Handayanto, Sunaryono Sunaryono, Chokchai Yuenyong


This comprehensive investigation delves into the impact of integrating e-scaffolding prompting questions into online inquiry learning on students' problem-solving skills (PSS). With an explanatory design and a mixed-methods approach, the study focuses on XI-MIPA class students at MAN 1 Kediri City during the academic year 2022-2023. Utilizing meticulously crafted learning instruments, five problem-solving skills questions, and precise interview guidelines, the research employs triangulation through pre-tests, post-tests, and in-depth interviews. Quantitative data undergoes rigorous scrutiny via Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The primary objective is to unveil the discernible influence of online inquiry learning complemented by e-scaffolding on the nuanced domain of PSS. Employing quasi-experimental methodologies, the study systematically compares a class engaged in conventional direct learning with one immersed in the intricacies of online inquiry learning. ANCOVA results decisively highlight a statistically significant disparity in PSS, with the online inquiry learning cohort consistently outperforming the control group. The granular analysis extends to specific problem-solving processes, delineating stages like problem identification, physics-rooted strategic planning, application of problem-solving strategies, mathematical procedures, and critical evaluation. The experimental cohort consistently surpasses the control group across these facets, affirming the pronounced efficacy of online inquiry learning enhanced by e-scaffolding. Qualitative insights from meticulously structured interviews corroborate quantitative findings, revealing a methodical and structured problem-solving approach within the experimental group. A discernable emphasis on conceptual reasoning emerges, reflective of a profound understanding nurtured by the synergistic amalgamation of online inquiry learning and e-scaffolding. The study conclusively advocates for the widespread implementation of this pedagogical framework as a transformative tool to enhance PSS across diverse physics topics. The implications extend to providing a robust foundation for future scholarly investigations, fortified by empirical evidence supporting the affirmative impact of online inquiry learning with e-scaffolding on students' problem-solving skills in physics education.

DOI: 10.17977/jps.v11i22023p045


e-scaffolding prompting question; problem-solving skills; online inquiry learning model; work energy

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Journal of Science Education

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