nalisis Penguasaan Konsep Hukum Newton tentang Gerak pada Implementasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Scientific Approach disertai Formative Assessment

Rhischa Assabet Shilla, Sentot Kusairi, Arif Hidayat


Abstract: This study aimed to analyze the mastery concepts of Newton's laws of motion on the implementation of scientific-based learning approach with formative assessment. The study involved 27 students of class X natural science natural science of State Senior High School 1 Mumbulsari. The learning process is designed to use the five essential elements of formative assessment integrated into the scientific approach. Student's mastery concepts is measured using a test Forces Concept Inventory (FCI). The tests given before and after the learning. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that the learning strategies have an influence on students' mastery concepts with strong category effect. The resulting increase in score mastery concepts students after learning that are in the low category. Students experience increased levels penguasaaan low towards the concept of being the impulsive force indicator and increased the level of mastery of the concept of the low to the high on the track indicator objects based on the legal concept of first newton. Overall score indicator mastery concepts of Newton's laws of motion increased. However, there are two indicators decreased scores namely the mplications constant force and first newton law (without force). The decline in scores due to students experiencing misconceptions on the indicator acceleration.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penguasaan konsep hukum newton tentang gerak pada implementasi pembelajaran berbasis scientific approach disertai formative assessment. Penelitian melibatkan 27 siswa kelas X MIPA 1 SMA Negeri Mumbulsari. Proses pembelajaran dirancang menggunakan lima elemen esensial formative assessment yang diintegrasikan ke dalam scientific approach. Penguasaan konsep siswa diukur menggunakan tes Forces Concept Inventory (FCI). Tes tersebut diberikan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembelajaran tersebut memiliki pengaruh terhadap penguasaan konsep siswa dengan kategori strong effect. Hasil peningkatan skor penguasaan konsep siswa sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran berada pada kategori rendah. Siswa mengalami peningkatan level penguasaan konsep dari rendah menuju sedang pada indikator gaya impulsif dan mengalami peningkatan level penguasaan konsep dari rendah menuju tinggi pada indikator lintasan benda berdasarkan konsep hukum I Newton. Secara keseluruhan, skor indikator penguasaan konsep hukum newton tentang gerak mengalami peningkatan, kecuali dua indikator yaitu implikasi gaya konstan (percepatan kostan) dan Hukum I Newton (tanpa gaya). Penurunan skor diakibatkan siswa mengalami kesalahan konsep pada konsep prasyarat yaitu percepatan.


scientific approach; formative assessment; mastery of concepts; penguasaan konsep

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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