Collaborative Project Based Learning Implementation During Covid-19 Outbreak

Soetam Rizky Wicaksono, Rudy Setiawan


Abstract: Covid-19 outbreak has already created such big changes in education all over the world. However, rapid response improvement is needed to overcome the reality. One of the improvements is using Project Based Learning (PBL) which ensured that students can still become active and enthusiastic during remote learning. PBL implementation can be done using collaborative technique, which empirically proven to have better result. This research took place in Information System Study Program at Universitas Ma Chung Malang, in course which includes laboratory activity (in this case is Programming Language course). This implementation then being measured using focus group discussion (FGD), which gather and interviewing random sampling to evaluate its effectiveness and being held twice in one semester, thus it can review and repair the implementation during half semester. This research should give generic prescription as its result for other lecturers who has difficulties in improving remote learning process during Covid-19 outbreak or post outbreak. After evaluating the implementation with three main topics (development of students, collaboration aspect, and professional development) from random sampling students, there are some improvements to made, which are: (1) lecturer become more active involved, (2) invite professional to give guest lecturer, (3) encourage about the importance of teamwork, and (4) giving reward and penalty.

Abstrak: Wabah Covid-19 telah menciptakan perubahan besar dalam pendidikan di seluruh dunia. Namun, perbaikan respon cepat diperlukan untuk mengatasi kenyataan tersebut. Salah satu peningkatannya adalah dengan menggunakan Project Based Learning (PBL) yang memastikan siswa tetap dapat aktif dan antusias selama pembelajaran jarak jauh. Implementasi PBL dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik kolaboratif, yang secara empiris terbukti memberikan hasil yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini mengambil tempat di Program Studi Sistem Informasi Universitas Ma Chung Malang yang pada mata kuliahnya meliputi kegiatan laboratorium (dalam hal ini mata kuliah Bahasa Pemrograman). Implementasi ini kemudian diukur dengan Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang mengumpulkan dan mewawancarai random sampling untuk mengevaluasi efektivitasnya dan diadakan dua kali dalam satu semester, sehingga dapat meninjau dan memperbaiki implementasi selama setengah semester. Penelitian ini harus memberikan resep generik sebagai hasilnya bagi dosen lain yang mengalami kesulitan dalam meningkatkan proses pembelajaran jarak jauh selama wabah Covid-19 atau pasca wabah. Setelah mengevaluasi pelaksanaan dengan tiga topik utama (pengembangan mahasiswa, aspek kolaborasi, dan pengembangan profesional) dari mahasiswa random sampling, ada beberapa perbaikan yang dilakukan, yaitu: (1) dosen menjadi lebih aktif terlibat, (2) mengundang profesional untuk memberikan dosen tamu, (3) mendorong tentang pentingnya kerjasama tim, dan (4) memberikan reward dan punishment.


collaborative; project based learning; covid-19 outbreak; remote learning; kolaboratif; pembelajaran berbasis proyek; wabah covid19; pembelajaran jarak jauh

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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