Writing A Critical Fantasy Short Story: The Development of Foklore-Based Teaching Materials

Sutrisno Gustiraja Alfarizi, Yuni Pratiwi, Karkono Karkono


The development of teaching materials for writing fantasy short stories based on the Situbondo folklore provides innovation in writing strategies and folk tales as the learning resources. The existence of this writing strategy is because there were a lot of students that have mastered the knowledge of fantasy short story concepts, but had no competence in writing fantasy short stories. Meanwhile, the selection of folklore is an effort to get closer to the environment of the students while integrating the local character values of Situbondo. The research model used in the development of this teaching material was ADDIE developed by Branch in five stages of development. Based on the development activities, it was obtained that (1) the validity results collected from the validation sheets showed a percentage of 87% which indicated that the teaching materials were feasible and ready to be implemented, (2) the results of user responses gotten from the product test questionnaire resulted in a percentage of 93% which indicated that the teaching materials were qualified from the point of view of students, as well as (3) the results of the effectiveness test showed that the teaching materials are effective and influential to be implemented.


teaching materials; writing fantasy short stories; situbondo folklore

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/jptpp.v7i11.21255


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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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