Sumbangan Metacognitive Self-Regulation dan Self-Efficacy Mahasiswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Konsep Kimia Dasar

Bambang Sugiarto


Abstract: Difficulty of student in comprehending concept is not only caused by activity of teaching and learning in class, but there are other causes in student self. This research aim to know the contributions of student’s metacognitive  self-regulation and self-efficacy to the study result concepts of fundamental chemistry. As research target is students of S1 Education of Chemistry of Akademic Program Study 2010 / 2011. The teaching and learning process use reciprocal teaching, direct instruction, and co-operative of think pair share, and give test of learning result concept, metacognitive self-regulation, and self-efficacy questionaire. The research results show contribution of metacognitive self-regulation (plan to learn, watching progress of learning, and assess which have studied aspects) to the study  result concepts of fundamental chemistry are 2,8%, 11%, and 14%. Contribution in self efficacy (situation uncertain, confidence move motivation, confidence of goals, and confidence overcome the problem aspects) to the study result concepts of fundamental chemistry are 14%, 9%, 12%, and 14%.

Keywords : Metacognitive Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy



Abstrak: Kesulitan mahasiswa dalam memahami konsep tidak saja disebabkan karena kegiatan proses pembelajaran di dalam kelas, tetapi ada penyebab lain yang terdapat di dalam diri mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sumbangan metakognitif pengaturan diri (metacognitive self-regulation) dan keyakinan diri (self-efficacy) mahasiswa terhadap hasil belajar konsep kimia dasar. Sebagai sasaran penelitian adalah mahasiswa S1 Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia yang memprogram mata kuliah Kimia Dasar I semester gasal Tahun Akademik 2010/2011. Pembelajaran yang dilakukan menggunakan reciprocal teaching¸ direct instruction, dan kooperatif tipe think pair share, selanjutnya diberikan tes hasil belajar konsep, angket metacognitive self-regulation, dan self-efficacy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sumbangan metacognitive self-regulation (aspek perencanaan belajar, pemantauan kemajuan belajar,dan menilai yang telah dipelajari)  terhadap hasil belajar konsep kimia dasar berturut-turut sebesar  2,8%, 11%, dan 14%. Sedangkan sumbangan self efficacy (aspek keyakinan menghadapi situasi tidak menentu, keyakinan menggerakkan motivasi, keyakinan mencapai target, dan keyakinan mengatasi masalah) terhadap hasil belajar konsep kimia dasar berturut-turut sebesar  14%, 9%, 12%, dan 14%.

Kata kunci: Metacognitive Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy


Metacognitive Self-Regulation; Self-Efficacy

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